Designed for outward opening doors.
The electromagnet is placed under the lintel and the counter plate is installed directly on the door leaf.
The M-Series features the characteristic brown color of OPENERS & CLOSERS and vandal protection.
The narrow European models allow for superior aesthetic architectural installation and the new "E" add-on.
The Ecomax models feature the lowest power consumption in the market with only 3W.
M Series Instructions
In doors that offer access to the outside, it is important to keep the doors secured with electromagnetic locks of more than 5,000N holding force to prevent possible intrusions. As these are emergency exits, positive security systems are required to allow people to evacuate immediately in the event of an emergency.
EN 13637
In the case of wanting to electronically control the accesses, there is the mandatory standard EN13637 where the most common use is to combine the installation with our Emergency Terminal TE.
The "E" installation offers architects and engineers a great solution to aesthetic and security problems for swing doors. Both components are recessed inside the door frame and door leaf thanks to their small dimensions of only 30 cm.
What other types of installation are there?
Designed for outward opening doors.
The electromagnet is placed under the lintel and the counter plate is installed directly on the door leaf.
Designed for inward opening doors.
The electromagnet is located above the door frame, just opposite the hinges.
The counter plate is installed on the door leaf with an adjustable bracket.
Designed for sliding doors.
The electromagnet is integrated inside the frame and the counter plate is fixed to the door leaf profile.
Designed for glass doors.
The electromagnet is placed under the lintel and the counter plate is installed on the glass leaf without drilling.
Designed for fire doors or to add thickness adjustability.
The bracket avoids going through the door to lose certification.
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding force: 280 daN
For Surface mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding force: 280 daN
For Surface mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding force: 300 daN
For Surface mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding force: 300 daN
For Flush mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding force: 300 daN
For Surface mount
12/30V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding force: 300 daN
For Surface mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding force: 300 daN
For Surface mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding strength: 300 daN/700 lbf
For Surface mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Narrow Profile - 30mm
Holding strength: 300 daN/700 lbf
For Surface mount
12/24V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Holding force: 280 daN/620 lbf
For Surface mount
12-30V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Holding force: 280 daN/620 lbf
For Surface mount
12-30V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Holding force: 280 daN/620 lbf
For Surface mount
12-30V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Holding force: 280 daN/620 lbf
For Surface mount
12-30V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Holding force: 500 daN
For Surface mount
12-30V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status
Holding force: 500 daN
For Surface mount
12-30V DC
DC ED100% continuous operation
Door status